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What is Myofascial Cupping & what are the health benefits?

What is Myofascial Cupping and how does it work?

Watch as Chris Phillips, Principal of the Cotswold Academy discusses Myofascial Cupping in more detail...

What is Myofascial Cupping?

Myofascial Cupping is a modified version of the ancient Eastern style Cupping. The main point of difference is that Myofascial Cupping targets the Musculo-Skeletal system rather than the meridian systems used by traditional Chinese practitioners. Also rather than using glass cups and a naked flame to create suction it uses plastic cups and vacuum suction. A hand operated vacuum pump is used to induce the vacuum inside a cylinder sealed to the skin by oil or cream. The vacuum “draws” the soft tissue perpendicular to the skin thus providing a tensile force to the soft tissue system, which can be left in one site for a prolonged period or moved along the tissue. Employing movement and Muscle Energy Techniques increases the effectiveness of the treatment making this therapy extremely effective and dynamic.

What are the benefits of cupping therapy?

  • Reduces tight knots adhesion
  • Increases blood flow and tissue repair
  • Increases your clients range of movement of joints
  • Good to work with neck and back pain
  • Ideal tool for Sports Therapists
  • Reduces overuse of your hands and wrists

Who is Myofascial Cupping for and how can it be used?

Myofascial cupping is ideal for Holistic Massage Therapists, Sports Massage Therapists, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Acupuncturists and anyone working with soft tissue.

We work with therapists to ensure the application is appropriate to compliment the work they are doing with their clients. By far the most effective application of myofascial cupping is when it is used with movement.