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Set in the heart of the Cotswolds, established in 1995, the Cotswold Academy provides training in ITEC, and FHT courses. Our team are highly motivated and committed to providing the highest standard of delivery to their students. We provide tutoring in small groups to ensure maximum support and a personal, supportive learning environment. As well as core courses in Massage Therapy, Sports Massage, Reflexology and Aromatherapy, we also provide ongoing training for qualified therapists in their chosen fields allowing you to develop your existing skills to deliver specialist treatments.

Situated in Thomas Street in the old market town of Cirencester. Our facilities include three training lecture rooms equipped with all the facilities to provide a challenging, positive learning culture. We have a common room for students to enjoy time, eating and getting to know each other and access to a kitchen to make lunches and hot drinks. We also have a private treatment room that students have access to whilst studying with the Academy to complete case studies/ treatment logs.