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Thursday Evenings


Meet. Share. Discuss. Learn.

Join us on a Thursday Evening session, 6.00pm-9.00pm every week; book your free spot below!

What are Thursday evenings? 

If you are a qualified therapist, interested in looking at a career in this industry, planning to do a course with us or just wishing to look around, our free Thursday Evenings could be the place to start.

For some time we have thought there is a need for on-going support for training and working therapists. One of our aims here at the Academy is to raise standards of practice in the industry for clients and therapists. The evenings can be very flexible. We can sit and chat and share ideas between us or share practical hand skills working on each other. We feel strongly we should be able to share ideas and skills at no cost.

If you are currently studying with us, newly qualified, or been in the industry for some time, these evenings can offer a place to meet others and share your learning and ask questions.

Massage in its many forms provides an important pillar for health and well-being; e.g. improving chronic muscular issues created by our modern lifestyle, providing a space where we quietly get in touch with our bodies again.

Please join our mailing list below if you wish to receive weekly details on what’s going on here at the Academy on Thursday evenings!

See below for all upcoming Thursday evening sessions and to book your place.
