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Simple massage techniques for the ankles; freeing up movement & releasing stress

During lockdown we are sharing some simple techniques that we can use in our homes with loved ones.

Here we focus on freeing up movement and relieving any stress or tension held in the ankles.

So let’s first delve a little deeper into the anatomy of the ankle. Watch as Chris explains what our focus should be on before introducing the massage techniques.

A really simple technique which leaves your client feeling like they are walking on air is to massage with your focus being on the retinaculum.

The retinaculum is a band of thickened fascia which supports the tendons. The name retinaculum, or plural retinacula, is taken from the Latin verb retinere, to retain.

Watch as Chris, Principal of the Academy and Sports Massage Therapist, guides us through the technique to massage this band of deep fascia here.

As always our techniques are designed for our professional therapists although in this case as long as care is taken these techniques can be replicated by anyone.

For anyone interesting in delving a little deeper into the anatomy aspects then take a look at our Anatomy & Physiology e-learning course here.

For more information on our diploma in Sports Massage Therapy please see here.