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How to use massage with movement part 1; techniques to make your treatments more effective.

We are so excited to share some techniques to empower our massage therapists to start using massage with movement. We are passionate that our holistic massage therapists and aromatherapists have access to these techniques and that you can access support free of charge.

It's also important here to note the benefits for you as a therapist. Massage with movement takes the strain of wear and tear from your hands. Knuckles and fingers get relief and we move more into a space of using open fists and forearms and letting the movement do the work.

Let's get stuck in starting with the lower back...

Massage with movement for lower back pain - working on erector spinae group

Let's start with two ways to tackle lower back pain with massage with movement working on erector spinae. This is especially great for clients who are especially tight and feel tense and stressed and experience back pain.

First lets refresh ourselves on what the surface anatomy is of the erector spinae group to get to grips with what exactly we are working on here.

Contraindications are taken care of largely with your usual client consultation although most specifically we wouldn't be looking to do this work on anyone with degeneration of the spine, osteoarthritis and plate work. Pressure used with each client is dictated by the client; communicate with the client throughout checking with the boundaries and pain threshold within a scale of 1-5.

Technique 1 - prone positioning

Technique 2 - seated positioning

Breaking with routine

Wondering how to include this into your routine and how to communicate what you are doing with your clients? Here Chris give a great insight into how we can introduce new techniques to clients.

Extra support available

Any massage therapist can use massage with movement to make treatments far more effective. If you would like more confidence to give it a go, come along to one of our Thursday evenings and get hands-on with Chris's support! We will additionally be running a dedicated Thursday Evening solely for working with massage therapists and aromatherapists looking at massage with movement on Thursday 14th July 2022.