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A therapists guide to engaging the core

If your clients present with poor posture, complain of lower back pain and bladder weakness then chances are the problem lies in the core. They may have limited mobility in their pelvis or anterior tilt of the pelvis.

All of the above issues can be associated with weakness in the core and a misalignment of the pelvic gurdle; where the diaphragm should align with the pelvic floor muscles and how they work with the abdominal muscles.

Often clients are advised to strengthen their pelvic floor in isolation through kegel exercises. This is especially true for women suffering bladder weakness or issues following pregnancies. As therapists we are able to support this further by sharing techniques that work to stabilise the pelvic gurdle as a whole and offer rehabilitation that they can easily continue at home to great effect.

The idea is to get the muscles firing, switching on and off and really engaging the core. Here Chris Phillips, Principal of the Cotswold Academy, demonstrates the techniques - that anyone can use!

How to combine with kegel exercises? The client should be engaging their core and doing their kegel exercises throughout these techniques to ensure the best results in building strength and stability at the core.